Monday, December 1, 2008

Classroom Wiki

Okay, this one I need lots of help with: My Classroom Wiki. I have started with reading; all of our reading groups and their assignments are on the wiki. It's actually really cool. They are embedding photos, starting discussions, and creating their own pages. It is just beginning, but I want to do more. Help me gang. Please comment and tell we what you are doing to your wikis and tell me how you are doing it. I just want to get better and better.


Tammy Gilley said...

Becky, your blogs looking better. Try making your links hot; so when you click on them it takes you to the link. I also checked out your wiki. Looks like you've got a good start on that too.

Anonymous said...

You've got a great start to your wiki. Way to go! I teach fourth grade in Washington, North Carolina. We'd love for you to check out our wiki and blog sometime :) (blog) (wiki)